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Events Officer (international virtual careers fairs)招聘信息
admin(2009/1/22 6:11:47)  点击:72388  回复:0  IP:212.* * *
The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) in Scotland has obtained funding to develop a series of virtual careers fairs to assist graduates looking for jobs across Asia, and particularly in China. The University of Glasgow, as lead partner is seeking to recruit a mandarin-speaking graduate to act as an events officer for the project.

In this newly created position, you will provide practical support for the development and delivery of the international virtual careers fairs by gathering labour market intelligence and building links with graduate employers in key Asian markets such as China and India; by securing employer participation in the fairs; and by offering administrative support for each event.

Strong communication skills, the ability to work across cultures, good organisation and project management skills, and the ability to travel and work outside normal office hours are essential. IT literacy including familiarity with the Microsoft Office suite will also be important.
The post will last for a fixed term of 2 years
Salary will be on the Management, Professional and Administrative Grade, level 7, £31,513 - £35,469 per annum.

For an informal discussion of the post please contact Linda Murdoch/Jim Campbell on 0141 330 3119.

Closing date: 06 February 2009

http://www.gla.ac.uk/jobs/vacancies/ad ... entofficer/#d.en.106426


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