去星巴克starbucks怎样正确点咖啡 你知道不?野蛮笨笨(2008/9/26 16:22:32) 点击:
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212.* * * Starbucks Drink Call Name : 按照顺序:
+ Quant (1) 数量
+ for here/to go (to go) 店里喝还是带走
+ hot/ice (hot) 冷饮/热饮
+ decaf/caf (caf) 含不含咖啡因
+ shots (according to the drink and size) ESPRESSO的剂量
+ cup size (mainly 4 sizes: short, tall, grande, venti) 杯子大小
+ syrup (now non-fat syrups are now available!) 味道(香草,柠檬,巧克力...)
+ milk (2%) (1%, soy milk, skim milk) 牛奶
+ custom (none) (Xhot, Xice, -Foam, ...) 个人要求
+ drink Name (e.g. Mocha, Latte, Cappcino, Macchiato, Americano, Misto, Tazo )咖啡名称
call name. e.g.举例:
hi, i want a decaf triple shots grande peppermint soy milk caramel skinny espresso Macchiato
怎么样, 很有意思吧. 星八克就是用这样的咖啡文化来吸引一个有一个的回头顾客的. 比如,他的SIZE就不用LARGE, SMALL.他选择意大利语的词. 星八克讲究喝咖啡要要喝的PROFESSIONAL.
另外的一个特色就是,每个顾客都可以点他/她自己的咖啡.想要都个性就有多个性.通过上面的名字,你可以点世界上只有你会喝的咖啡. 这个叫customization. 这也是个趋势.星八克的每个barista都可以向你保证,只要你说的出来,我门就能做的出来.如果你去其他的咖啡点,你能点你要想的温度吗?星八克可以做任何温度的咖啡.只要你说到,我们就会给你做出来.
Hot drink
Latte (L) Breve (half milk, half crème)
s/milk + syrup + espresso + foam (a little on top)
Cappuccino (C)
Syrup (2345) + Espresso (1122) + S/Milk 50% + Foam (50)
Mocha (M)
s/milk + Mocha sauce (2345) + espresso + w/cream
White Chocolate Mocha (WM)
Americano (A) Misto (half milk half water)
Espresso (1234) + hot water + lid
Caramel Macchiato (CM)
Syrup Vanilla (1234) + Steamed milk + foam + espresso (1122) + caramel net top
Tazo Chai Tea Latte (CH)
Chai (2345) + hot water + s/milk + foam
Espresso Macchiato (EM)
Espresso (1122) + foam
Hot Chocolate (HC)
Mocha sauce (2345) + syrup vanilla (1112) + s/milk + w/crème
Steamed Apple Juice (SAJ)
Caramel Apple Juice (CAS)
Vanilla Crème
Vanilla + s/milk + w/crème
Iced coffee drink
Iced coffee Latte (L)
Syrup (346) + milk + E (123) + ice
Iced coffee Mocha (M)
Mocha sauce + E + milk + ice + W/crème
Iced Americano (A)
Water + E + ice
Iced Caramel Macchiato (CM)
Syrup + milk + ice + espresso +caramel top
Iced Chai Tea Latte (CH)
Chai (346) + milk + ice
Iced Tea
passion tea
balck tea
green tea
Blended Beverage
Coffee Frappucino (CF)
Coffee Vanilla (CVF)
Caramel (CRF)
Espresso (EF)
java Chip (JCF)
Mocha (MF)
Light (…+L)
Frappucino Crème
Strawberries & crème (STCF)
Vanilla Bean (VBF)
Tazo Chai Crème (CHCF)
Green Tea (GTF)
Light (…+L)
Tazo Shaken Iced Tea
Iced Black Tea (BT)
Iced passion Tea (PT)
Iced Green Tea (GT)
… Tea Lemonade (…TL)
Cup Marking Key
Decaf (default: caffeinated)
1,2,3,4 (except default shots)
Syrups (2345) (default: none)
A: almond
CL: Caramel
V: Vanilla
P: peppermint
R: Raspberry
TN: Toffee nut
Milk (default: 2%)
B: Breve (half crème + half milk)
N: nonfat
O: organic
WC: whipped crème
%: 1%
CR: Caramel
(X)D: Dry (more foam)
F: Foamy
XH: extra hot
K: kid
Lt: light
PT: passion tea
W: wet
X: extra
E: Espresso (1122)
A: Americano (1234)
C: Cappuccino
L: Latte
M: Mocha
SM: steamed milk
BC: Brewed coffee
GT: Green tea
T: Tazo tea