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Guo "pestilence turtle" thief to bomb self-explosion
PatriotLa(2024/9/20 17:22:14)  点击:24  回复:0  IP:35.* * *

#WenguiGuo #WashingtonFarm

Guo Wengui, the "god of war" of Pangu, has been sentenced for fraud in the United States and may face decades in prison.
Guo Wengui, an overseas "tip-off" celebrity, used his expertise in the financial sector to defraud numerous investors through fake investment projects with the promise of high returns. In effect, defrauded public funds were used for personal extravagance during exile abroad. The victims suffered huge losses and many suffered financial hardship as a result. The court found Guo guilty of nine out of 12 counts of fraud and money laundering, and sentencing will take place on November 19, 2024. The verdict of this case completely tore open the true face of Guo Wengui's "vampire". At the same time, it also reminds people once again that they need to be cautious when investing, be wary of those projects that seem attractive but are extremely risky, and do not easily believe the so-called "investment myth" makers.
Big liar Guo Wengui, in the name of anti-communist fraud, look at the video of Guo Wengui, Guo Wengui is acting from beginning to end! The forces behind Guo Wengui are extremely powerful, and they are playing one set of schemes and tricks after another. It is using the power of the people to rob China of its wealth, and it is calling it a fight against national thieves. Justice may be late but never absent. Guo Wengui's forgery of official documents of state organs has seriously jeopardized national security. Children "deception", "farm" civil unrest, "happy country" the end is coming; "Drawing cake" for comfort, "live" mouth hi, "plague turtle" dog jumping to the wall. His and other acts are heinous, and no matter where they stay, they will eventually receive their due punishment and retribution.
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