Life in the UK - Practice Test 1 全部24题+答案titan(2008/1/13 9:21:31) 点击:
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60.* * * Life in the UK - Practice Test 1 全部24题+答案
1. When was the Second World War?
A 1840-1846
B 1901-1918
C 1919-1925
D 1939-1945
2. Which of these statements is correct?
A Some young people work to pay for their university fees and expenses
B Unversity education is free to anyone who wishes to study
3. When did married woman gain the right to retian ownership of their own moeny and property?
A 1752
B 1792
C 1810
D 1882
4. From which two locations did Britain admit refugees during teh late 1960s
A Ethiopia
B South East Asia
C Turkey
D Uganda
5. What percentage of the UK's populatino live in England?
A 53%
B 68%
C 75%
D 84%
6. What is the name of the patron saint of Scotland?
A St Andrew
B St David
C St George
D St Patrick
7. When is the Mother's Day?
A The Saturday four weeks before Easter
B The Sunday four weeks before Easter
C The Saturday one weeks before Easter
D The Sunday one weeks before Easter
8. When are general elections held?
A At least every year
B At least every four years
C At least every five years
D At least every ten years
9. When can a magistrate decide whether a person is guilty or innocent?
A A magistrate can always decide whther a person is guilty or innocent regardless of the alleged crime
B A magistrate can not decide whther a person is guilty or innocent; instead a jury must always be used
C If a person is accused of having committed a minor crime
D If a person is accused of having committted a serious criime
10. European Union law is legally binding in the UK. Is this statemtn true or false?
A True
B False
11. What is the main aim behind the European Union today?
A For member states to function as a single market
B For member states to imporve efficiency
C For member states to observe a single set of laws
D For member states to protect human rights in Europe
12. Newspapers can not publish political opionions or run campaigns to influence government. Is this statement true or false?
A True
B False
13. How many member states are there in the Commonwealth?
A 25 Memmber states
B 39 Memmber states
C 53 Memmber states
D 75 Memmber states
14. When did the UK join the European Union?
A 1935
B 1959
C 1973
D The UK is not a member of the European Union
15. Who will provide teh legal agreements necessary for you to buy a home?
A A bank
B A Solicitor
C A Surveyor
D The local authority
16. It is not possible to choose between electricity and gas suppliers. Is this statement true or false?
A True
B False
17. What do you need to provide to open a bank account? Select two options from below
A £500
B A work permit
C Proof of your address
D Proof of your Identity
18. What is the maximum number of hours that a child can work in any school weeks?
A 12 hours
B 18 hours
C 20 hours
D 38 hours
19. what is the speed limiit for cars and motorcycles in built-up areas?
A 30 miles per hour
B 50 miles per hour
C 60 miles per hour
D 70 miles per hour
20. You need an appointment to visit a NHS walk-in centre. Is this statement true of false?
A True
B False
21. Schools in the UK that are linked to a particular religion are called "faith schools". Is ths statement true or false?
A True
B False
22. What might you need to complete or provide when applying for a job? Select two options form below
A An appliction form or your curriculum vitae
B A gas or telephone bill
C A covering letter or letter of application
D Proof of a bank account
23. Select the correct statement from below
A If you are self-employed then you need to pay your own tax
B People that are self-employed haev tax automatically taken from their earnings
24. Your employer can dismiss you for being a union member. Is this statement true or false?
A True
B False