都市家园服务式公寓网-提供城市短期租房服务!cityhome(2007/11/22 20:28:26) 点击:
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58.* * * 都市家园服务式公寓网 http://www.cityhome365.com,中国领先的服务式公寓租赁服务商。我们以网络为依托,专门为您提供短期公寓租赁――为您节省入住酒店带来的昂贵差旅费用!
1、 温馨、舒适的家:大到电视机、宽带,小到拖鞋、床上用品,一应俱全,与家别无二致;
2、 方便的网上看房:轻点鼠标,即可选择您中意的房屋,免去您奔波看房的辛苦;
3、 令人心动的价格:租期越长,日租金越便宜,相对酒店住宿费便宜50%-70%;
4、 优越的地理位置:或者靠近轨道交通,或者公交发达,方便地直达市中心各主要地段;
5、 强大的网络联盟:上海、北京、杭州、昆明、郑州等各大城市均有我们的分店;
网站http://www.cityhome365.com 可以在线订房!
预定热线:86-21-62997952 或者拨打全国免费预定热线:400-880-8860(限中国大陆地区)
在线 MSN 预定咨询: cityhome365@hotmail.com
Apartotel.cn, a leading company/website in the short-term-accommodation market in China, offers guests short-term apartments lease, similar to Apartotel-Inn, in Shanghai, Beijing, Hang Zhou city, etc. Gubeikou.com founded in April 2003. As the provider of short-term accommodation, it has set up a series of ways to meet with the demand of those people who always trip to some city for a week, or even for a month. We, being an exploiter in short-term accommodation market, devoted ourselves to perfecting the market, to being a trustee of real estate and creating value for house owners.
So far, we have built up excellent reputation among guests and have gained loyal support from them. Our cozy service and precision have been positively publicized by newspaper for several times. Based on good reputation and our increasingly rich experiences, we have successfully opened and expanded our stores in cities like Shanghai, Beijing and Hang Zhou etc.
Please visit our website: http://www.apartotel.cn