英国的鞋子wtw(2007/10/29 4:20:01) 点击:
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61.* * * 赞一款英国的鞋子。是很多名人的爱哦。
Acupuncture evolves every day. We've always been about creating energy out of chaos" (Phil De Mesquita, The Times, February 2000).
Acupuncture每天都在演進,我們總是從混亂中創造出能量。 (節錄自Acupuncture創辦人Phil De Mesquita於2000年2月【時代雜誌】的訪問)
Acupuncture's move into shoes had a suitably anarchic beginning. When original puncturist Phil De Mesquita took over the running of the shop in 1993 where it is specialized into antique accessories and sneaker. Stimulated by their continued evolution, Acupuncture successfully developed as the leading fashionable, casual brand in the footwear market.
Acupuncture在鞋業方面的發展實屬機緣巧合。1993年,創辦人Phil De Mesquita接管了一間專營復古配件及運動鞋的店子開始其事業。經過不斷演變,Acupuncture終於成功地發展成當今便服鞋市場上帶領潮流的佼佼者。
Acupuncture's development into the footwear market had a very reasonable and ridiculous beginning. After Phil De Mesquita took over the running of the shop in 1993, one of his first ideas was to customize some 70s-style trainers, which went on to sell 5,000 pairs in the UK and Japan and then all over the world.
Acupuncture進入鞋業有個頗為傳奇的開始,當Phil De Mesquita於1993年接管店面的營運開始,便專注設計了一些70年代式樣的運動鞋,這主意讓他成功在英國及日本銷售高達5,000雙, 其後Acupuncture熱潮更直捲全世界。