英国伯明翰大学推出10周的在线学前英语课程applepie(2020/4/10 11:53:58) 点击:
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220.* * * 由于Covid-19的爆发以及由此产生的不确定性,英国伯明翰大学学院对6月、7月期间在英国开展线下的学前英语课程持怀疑态度。考虑到目前的情况,伯明翰大学学院已经设计并推出了一个为期10周的在线学前英语课程,从6月22日到8月28日,以取代线下课程。
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak and the uncertainty creates, we have doubt to run the in house pre-sessional English programme in June/July time in the UK. Considering the current situation, University College Birmingham has designed and launch a 10 weeks online -pre-sessional English course from 22 June to 28 August to replace the in house course. Please find enclosed the Chinese and English leaflets for your information.
Summary of the programme:
• 10 weeks online programme through using UCB's online learning platform (Canvas) to study
• Only one entry point so all students applied will be joining the whole 10 weeks in four blocks study
• Effective learning and teaching methods through Pre-recorded videos, guided independent Study task, interactive online seminars and online discussion board
• Final Internal assessment and provide resit opportunity.
• Encourage student to sit for the UKVI IELTS test and UCB will pay for that
Current applicant:
You have submitted an application for above applicant and of whom has been made an offer and waiting for deposit. Therefore, I am writing to inform you that this student would be transferred to join this online course instead. Please see below extra information:
1. For students qualified to join the 6 weeks course, we will only charge £1820 for joining this 10 weeks online pre-sessional course. Therefore, this applicant is only need to transfer £1820 fees to the University in order to join this course.
2. We will assess the student at the end of the course also, if the student has achieved 5.5 at all elements then will be able to progress
3. The student will be encouraged to arrange herself/himself to sit for the UKVI IELTS test in August and we will accept this test results along with the internal assessment. We will pay back the UKVI IELTS fees when the applicant joining us in September.
4. In early June, we will contact the student for pre-enrolment registration plus all the information/induction the student is required to join the online course.