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[分享] 终于完成心愿--Rice pudding!
wtw(2007/6/20 4:35:54)  点击:71177  回复:5  IP:61.* * *
此贴在2007/6/20 4:36:24被*wtw*编辑过

自从当年来英国第一次吃Rice Pudding,我就立下一个心愿,一定要学会做!
第一个有机会学习的老师是以前host family女主人的妈妈。可是老太太来得时候都是送做好的蛋糕和Rice pudding!

前几天超市买了2杯rice cream(也是Rice Pudding),1分钟内干掉2盒,又回忆起它的味道,决定再次发起我的艺术灵感,没人,没人教就创新。

自我感觉应该有这几样料,专门的米Sanisbury's Pudding Rice, 全脂牛奶,香草香料,(桂皮粉应该不会过期把,就用老师给的那瓶珍藏1年多了),黄油。
.1.  回复:[分享] 终于完成心愿--Rice pudding!
wtw(2007/6/20 4:37:04)  IP:61.* * *

.2.  回复:[分享] 终于完成心愿--Rice pudding!
wtw(2007/6/20 4:37:25)  IP:61.* * *
"Rice pudding is how God intended us to eat rice," my father announced when I mentioned I was thinking about making some for this month's Sugar High Friday, Cooking Up Custard food blogging event. Well that settled it, rice pudding it would be. With a little investigation, I found that there are two basic ways to make rice pudding - baking or boiling. Then there is my dad's way, which is take some cold white rice, add some cream, sugar, and cinnamon. Mix and eat. Dad has been making rice pudding this way my whole life, but dad's method has never appealed to me that much, so boiling or baking it would have to be. The first recipe I tried, from Gourmet magazine, called for 3/4 cup of heavy cream for a recipe that only served 2 people. Delicious, but I would rather have a recipe that didn't put people at risk for a trip to the ER. A couple of tries later, I've settled on this recipe, using the boiling method. It is especially tasty with raisins.

2 1/2 cups (600 ml) of whole milk
1/3 cup (66 grams) of long or short grain white rice
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/4 cup (50 grams) dark brown sugar
1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1/3 cup (40 grams) raisins

1 In a medium heavy bottomed saucepan, combine milk, rice and salt and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer until the rice is tender, about 20 minutes. Stir frequently to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

2 In a small mixing bowl, whisk together egg and brown sugar until well mixed. Add a half cup of the rice mixture - a Tablespoon at a time - beating to incorporate.

3 Add egg mixture back into the saucepan of rice and milk and stir, on low heat, for 10 minutes or so, until thickened. Be careful not to have the mixture come to a boil at this point. Stir in the vanilla. Remove from heat and stir in the raisins and cinnamon.
.3.  回复:[分享] 终于完成心愿--Rice pudding!
wtw(2007/6/20 4:37:47)  IP:61.* * *
"My mother made rice pudding when I was a child. Now I make it, and my children love it. I usually make rice pudding from leftover rice after a meal. Just be sure that your rice floats in the milk, and the mixture is soupy. Rice absorbs very well. It will cook to be golden and crusty on top. Raisins are optional."
1 1/4 cups uncooked white rice
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted
5 cups milk
2 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
3/4 cup raisins
In a saucepan, bring salted water to a boil. Add rice, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Combine 2 1/2 cups cooked rice, sugar, melted butter, milk, eggs, cinnamon, nutmeg and raisins and mix well. Pour into a 9x13 inch baking dish.
Bake in preheated oven until top is golden, 30 to 60 minutes. Serve warm or cold.

原来Rice Pudding还要放鸡蛋啊,准备了一个。没有果仁,有果料,但是觉得第一次试验还是不要那么花侨的好,所以就是纯粹的Rice。


.4.  回复:[分享] 终于完成心愿--Rice pudding!
wtw(2007/6/20 4:38:32)  IP:61.* * *

.5.  回复:[分享] 终于完成心愿--Rice pudding!
wtw(2007/6/20 4:38:47)  IP:61.* * *

还 有听一个总跟中国人打交道的英国老头说,英国人对于Rice pudding只有2种看法,要不就是特别喜欢和特别不喜欢。还有早年来英国的华人,吃不到什么中国食品,就觉得Rice pudding比较像中国的粥,所以特别喜欢吃。他认识一个中国人来英国的头1年,天天拿Rice pudding当主食吃,1年过去了,估计吃伤了。

Rice pudding应该是英国比较传统的饭后甜点,可以热吃,也可以冷吃。如果你不知道Rice pudding的味道,去超市买Rice Cream(一般跟酸奶,布丁,之类的放在一起)尝尝就知道了
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