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本文是谷歌产品管理和营销高级副总裁Jonathan Rosenberg在其母校克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院向毕业生分享的他自己多年的职场经验,包括沟通、文化、团队建设、决策、创新和谦卑等六方面内容,一共42条“职场生存军规”。

Jonathan Rosenberg简介:作为谷歌产品高级副总裁的他,坚信“更开放,意味着更好的 谷歌 和更好的世界”。他围绕 Chrome 和 Android 建立团队。事实证明,他是颇有预见性的。今天,Chrome 和 Android 成了谷歌最具战略意义的两大收获。

Team Building

#1 Interview well.
#1 用心面试

You have to learn how to interview well -- just like you would learn any other skill. “Hiring is the heart and soul of the company. People think it’s the gourmet lunches, massages, espresso drinks and all that stuff that bring people to Google. But the main reason people come to Google is to work with great people.” It’s a virtue that compounds. Great people not only make a great company, they also attract more great people.
你不得不学学如何面试——就像你学习其他技能一样。“招聘是一个企业的灵魂。人们认为精致的午餐、信息、espresso 饮料和其他福利是吸引人来Google 的原因。但人们来Google 最主要的目的是跟牛逼的人一起工作。”这是一种优秀品质的复合效应。好的员工不仅仅会组建一个好的企业,而且能吸引更多优秀的人才。

#2 Hire by committee.
#2 团队招聘

All too often, companies allow hiring managers to call all the shots. “At Google, we didn’t do that. The gate is a committee. And, similarly, promotions should be a peer review process.”

#3 You can’t teach passion.

“The guys who invented Google Sky are software engineers, not astronomers,” Rosenberg says. “They didn’t build this super cool product because they’re great engineers. They did it because they love astronomy.” When enthusiasm is real, everyone can feel it -- it’s a tangible energy that lights people up. When hiring, it’s important to spot passion, even in other areas of a candidate’s life. “How can you expect people to be passionate at work if they’re never passionate about anything?”
“发明Google Sky 的是软件工程师,而不是航天员,”Rosenberg 说,“他们不因为自己是优秀的工程师才去做这个赞到爆的产品,他们这么做仅仅是因为他们爱航天。如果你有发自内心的热情的话,每个人都能感觉到,这是一种看得见、摸得着的能量,能让整个人发光发热。所以在招聘时,善于发现应聘者的热情,即使是别的方面的热情。一个人如果对什么都提不起兴趣,如何指望他能对工作保有热情?

#4 Don’t hire specialists.

“Especially in tech,” Rosenberg says. “And don’t grow up to be a specialist. The job will change, and the underlying pace of the technology will transform the landscape so quickly that the specialist’s job will be gone.” As Einstein said, “Change is the only thing that is permanent.”
“尤其是在科技界,”Rosenberg 说,“不要成长为一个专才,因为工作会变,当下科技的脚步变化太快,专才会无所适从。”正如爱因斯坦所说:变化是唯一不变的存在。

#5 Slow down.

Urgency of a role isn’t sufficiently important to compromise quality in hiring.

#6 Diversity is your best defense
#6 多元化是无价宝

…against myopia,” Rosenberg says, extolling the virtues of hiring all kids of people. “People with different backgrounds see the world a little differently. That’s invaluable. You can’t teach that kind of insight.

#7 Be selective.
#7 精挑细选

Instead of laying off the bottom 10%, don’t hire them. It’s way harder to fire people than it is to hire them.
不要把标准降低10% 去招聘不合适的人,解雇他们比聘用他们难得多。

#8 Life isn’t fair.
#8 生活本就不公平

“The average Major League Baseball player makes $3 million a year. I wanted to play baseball but I wasn’t good enough. I’d pay $3 million just to walk out to center field in Giants uniform, but even that’s not going to happen because life’s not fair,” Rosenberg says. The same goes for managing teams. “You shouldn’t tell people they’re doing a great job when they're not.” He warns against leading like a Little League coach -- giving everyone a trophy and unwarranted positive feedback. “Real life is a meritocracy. Some perform better than others. So if you want better performance from the best, celebrate and reward what you want to see more of.”
美国职业棒球联盟球员人均年收入300 万美元,我想去打棒球,可惜我不够格。我愿花300 万美元穿着巨人队的球衣才能穿过场地,而就连这也是痴心妄想,因为生活本来就不公平。这和管理团队一样,你不能在别人出岔子的时候还表扬他们‘干得漂亮’”他警告不能像体育教练那样管理团队——每个人都能得一个无关紧要的鼓励奖。现实生活是优胜劣汰的,如果你想要看到人们的最佳表现,赏罚分明吧。

#9 Identify and purge.
#9 仔细鉴别,挑出不靠谱的人

It’s important to single out and remove the bad eggs. Rosenberg has a whole bad egg theory: “You go to a party and there’s six pieces of sushi left. Your friend goes ahead of you. He takes five pieces. Bad egg. You see someone in the dining hall. They spill something, and they give it a perfunctory wipe. Bad egg. Get rid of bad eggs.”
挑出不靠谱的人,然后把他们请出去。Rosenberg 有个很著名的坏鸡蛋理论:“你去参加一个聚会,餐盘里还剩下6 块寿司,你朋友抢先一步,拿走5 块。他不是什么好人。你看到一个人在餐厅打翻了东西,但只是敷衍得擦了擦。他也不是什么好人。远离这些人。”

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