【中英阅读】妈妈给过你最好的忠告是什么chatnet(2017/3/20 11:07:54) 点击:
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113.* * * What Is the Best Advice Your Mother Ever Gave You?
获得889好评的回答@Meenakshhi Mishra
Never lose hope. And be thankful for what you have.
获得268好评的回答@Sanket Saurav
"Living to make yourself happy is the best thing you can do for people around you."
获得224好评的回答@Max Lukominskyi
Never Take an Advice from Someone You Would Not Want To Switch Places With
获得612好评的回答@Sangeetha Thiyagarajan
Treat people like humans and not vending machines
获得1.5k好评的回答@Ashutosh Jadhav
"Bachenge toh aur bhi ladenge". (Fight till your last breath)
获得140好评的回答@Laura Parker
Go to sleep and things will be better in the morning.
获得393好评的回答@Michelle Roses
Right before I walked down the aisle to marry her son, my mother-in-law told me, "Michelle, if a man can't make himself a sandwich, he should starve."
获得773好评的回答@Aditi Saini
"Life isn't easy, It wasn't suppose to be! Don't expect it to be easy"