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If anything can be said about record-breaking globetrotter Graham Hughes, it's that - throughout his travels - he's always kept his feet firmly on the ground。如果要介绍一下破纪录的环球旅行家格雷厄姆·休斯,第一句话要说的就是:在他的旅行过程中,他从来都是坚定地双脚站在土地上。

The 33-year-old adventurer, from Liverpool, has become the first person to visit all 201 countries in the world - without using a plane。这位33岁的冒险家来自利物浦,他成为了第一位不乘坐飞机游遍全世界201个国家和地区的人。

Hughes used buses, taxis, trains and his own two feet to travel 160,000 miles in exactly 1,426 days - all on a shoestring of just $100 a week. 在1426天里,他靠乘公交、搭出租、坐火车和徒步的方式旅行了16万英里,并且在每周仅有100美元的情况下。

He spent four days 'crossing open ocean in a leaky boat' to reach Cape Verde, was jailed for a week in the Congo for being a 'spy', and was arrested trying to 'sneak into' Russia. 他花了四天“靠一艘漏水的船横贯海洋” 到达北大西洋的佛得角群岛,在刚果被误以为是间谍而遭拘禁了一周,又因为试图“潜入”俄罗斯被逮捕。

And yesterday Graham Hughes trudged into Juba, the capital of South Sudan, to end the epic four-year journey that began in his hometown of Liverpool on New Year's Day 2009. 而就在昨天,格雷厄姆·休斯拖着沉重的步伐终于来到了苏丹南部首都朱巴,结束了他四年的史诗之旅,这趟全球之旅始于2009年的新年,他自家乡利物浦出发走遍了全世界。

'I love travel, and I guess my reason for doing it was I wanted to see if this could be done, by one person traveling on a shoestring,' he told the Christian Science Monitor. 'I think I also wanted to show that the world is not some big, scary place, but in fact is full of people who want to help you even if you are a stranger.' “我爱旅行,我想我这么做的原因是,我想知道一个人在有限条件下是否能独自旅行。” 他这样告诉《基督教科学箴言报》的记者,“我觉得自己还想证明,世界并不是那么大那么可怕的地方,而实际是一个到处都有人愿意帮助你的地方,即便你是一个陌生人。”

Guinness have now confirmed that Hughes, who filmed the expedition for a documentary and raised money for charity WaterAid, has achieved the world record. 休斯将自己的冒险拍成纪录片并为慈善机构WaterAid筹款。日前吉尼斯已证实他成功创造了了世界纪录。

'The main feeling today is just one of intense gratitude to every person around the world who helped me get here, by giving me a lift, letting me stay on their couch, or pointing me in the right direction,' Hughes added. “现在最主要的感受就是十分感谢世界各地曾经帮助我的人,他们会载我一程,让我睡沙发,还有为我指路。” 休斯说。

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