此贴在2012/1/10 20:59:29被*frank1226*编辑过
Alan Newell Scholarship50% off tuition fee based on academic merit
Mark Grossi Scholarship50% off tuition fee based on academic merit
School of Computing Scholarship£5,000 Scholarship towards tuition fees, based on academic merit
Discovery Scholarship£3,000 Scholarship towards tuition fees
School of Computing Family Scholarship20% off tuition fee for students who have a family member (mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, spouse or partner) who is currently studying, or who has graduated from, the School of Computing.
School of Computing Alumni Scholarship20% off tuition fee for students who have graduated from the School of Computing
COTACyTThe University of Dundee has an agreement with COTACyT (Mexico) and will give School of Computing students funded through COTACyT a 10% discount on tuition fee. Visit the COTACyT website
5% discount on advance payment of tuition feesA 5% discount on tuition fees is applicable for international applicants who pay the full amount (for the year), in advance, by a given deadline.