邓迪大学(University of Dundee)10月25日举行毕业生招聘会 无需提前报名monica(2011/10/8 8:06:50) 点击:
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Tuesday 25th October 2011 in the Bonar Hall, Park Place, Dundee
■Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education
■Alliance Trust
■Army, The
■Brewin Dolphin
■Bright Green Placements
■Cambridge Network Ltd
■CIH Scotland
■CIMA - Chartered Institute of Management Accoutants
■CIPFA - Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy
■e-Placement Scotland
■Edinburgh Napier University
■EQ Accountants
■Forever Living Products
■Glasgow Caledonian University
■Henderson Loggie
■Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh
■Hymans Robertson
•Kelly Scientific Services
•Oxford TEFL
•Philips Electronics
•Projects Abroad
•Queen's University Belfast
•Ross & Bonnyman
•Saltire Foundation, The
•School of Nursing & Midwifery (University of Dundee)
•Standard Life
•Subsea 7
•TalentScotland Graduate Placement Programme
•TalentScotland Relocation Advisory Service
•Teach First
•Teach in Scotland
•TEFL Scotland
•Transport Scotland
•University of Aberdeen
•University of Abertay
•University of Dundee Postgraduate
•University of St Andrews
•University of Stirling
•Wild Packs