2011年英国华威大学 (University of Warwick) 国际学生硕士奖学金信息suitel(2011/3/28 18:44:47) 点击:
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113.* * * 对于2011年入读英国华威大学的硕士学位课程的国际学生,如果已经收到大学的录取通知书,现在可以开始申请大学的奖学金。奖学金名额3个,金额20,000英镑。 以下是详细信息:
The International Office Masters Scholarship
The University of Warwick is delighted to announce, that in conjunction with the Chancellor’s International Scholarships for graduate research programmes that three awards of £20,000 are to be made available to three outstanding candidates who wish to undertake a one year taught Masters or Masters by Research programme in any field of study for 2011 entry.
How to apply
As you already hold an offer with the School of Engineering we would like you to complete the web form for existing offer holders: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/eng/pg/funding/msc1112
Application Deadline: 6th May 2011
The Scholarship
• 3 awards of £20,000 (pounds sterling) to be offered to successful candidates eligible to pay overseas tuition fee rates for entry in 2011
• No separate application form required. Admissions tutors in departments will nominate their most outstanding candidates for nomination
• Nominated candidates will be asked to submit a brief candidacy statement for the award