Dundee Careers Fair 2009Larissa(2009/8/13 9:27:15) 点击:
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212.* * * Fair categories: Other Category
Fair is aimed at: Final Year Students, Pre Final Year Students
Fair information: The Dundee Careers Fair is an annual event which is open without restriction to students and graduates from the University of Dundee and from the University of Abertay Dundee.
Fair location: Bonar Hall, Park Place, DUNDEE DD1 4HN
Organisation running the fair: University of Dundee
» Opening times
Wed 28 Oct 2009 12:30 -16:00
» Contact information
Angus Campbell
Careers Service, University of Dundee
Tel: 01382 384113
Fax: 10382 384116
email: a.campbell@dundee.ac.uk
Debbie McLean
Careers Service, University of Dundee
Tel: 01382 384115
Fax: 01382 384116
email: d.h.mclean@dundee.ac.uk