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英国卫报(guardian) 对Dundee大学的介绍 [英文]
pizza(2009/5/18 21:48:01)  点击:71398  回复:0  IP:139.* * *
Thanks to its south-facing position, Dundee has claims to be the sunniest city in Scotland. Its most famous exports are The Beano and The Dandy, published by local firm DC Thomson & Co. It's large enough to be interesting (and the most densely populated bit of Scotland after Glasgow), but compact enough to be friendly and manageable. It's close to Edinburgh, and there's nice countryside and coast if you have a surplus of physical energy to expend. The university has recently invested £200m in campus improvements, including £39m in new student accommodation. Expect your digs to be pretty fancy, then. Snow Patrol was formed by Dundee students.

Currently, Scottish students pay no fees. Other students are liable for £1,775 fees (£2,825 for degrees in medicine) in 2009.

Young students' bursaries available for Scottish students under 25 from low-income families. Students applying for and going on to study one of the three-year honours degree programmes can apply for the chancellor's scholarship of £1,000 a year for three years. Additional academic, musical and sporting bursaries available.

Guaranteed for applications received by July of the year of entry. New accommodation has recently been opened and there are four residence sites in total. Prices range from £56 to £105.

The main library has been extended at a cost of £5.5m and has excellent modern facilities for silent and group study. Indoor sports facilities have been extended at a cost of £4m. The union has bars and clubs over five floors.

The main campus is in the city centre. Transport links to the rest of the country are excellent. Trains are part of the main east coast route, and Edinburgh and Glasgow are both within 90 minutes' travel by car or rail. The airport has a direct link to London City that takes 90 minutes.

Tel: 01382 384000
Email: [email protected]
Web: dundee.ac.uk
Accommodation: [email protected]

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