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中英双语学习 - 7步养成锻炼的习惯(中英对照)
bannister(2009/4/12 17:00:47)  点击:64078  回复:0  IP:212.* * *
原作者: Mehdi           译者:ocirlin         来源: 译言

You’ve probably tried it several times. You’re fed up with your skinny look or overweight body. You decide to finally do something about it. So you take a gym membership. Some friends decide to join you. After a few weeks however, your friends don’t show up anymore. Then you end up alone. And eventually you quit.

Yeah I know, this happens all the time. I’ve seen it over and over again. I know what you’re thinking. How come some people can stick with it and others not? What is their secret?  
呵呵,我知道上面的事情一直在发生。我经历过很多这样的经历。我也知道你现在在想什么。有些人怎么就能坚持下去呢? 秘密是什么?

I’ll first tell you what it is not: it’s not discipline, it’s not willpower. Discipline and willpower only work in the short-term.  

What works in the long-term is making exercise a habit. That’s their secret.And that’s what this post is about — 7 ways to build the exercise habit.

1. Set your Goal.

What do you want to achieve?
Bigger muscles?
Less fat?
More strength?
More speed?
Exercising can be used for several means. Before you take a gym membership, start by setting a definite goal.
What is it that you want?
Don’t try to achieve more than 1 thing at a time. Start with one goal. Once you have attained it, you can work towards a second goal.  


锻炼有这么多种可能的目的。在去健身俱乐部之前, 先设定一个明确的目标。你想通过锻炼获得什么?
不要想着一次完成好几个目标,一个就好。一旦你完成了, 再来下一个。  

2. Set a Deadline.

Set a date by which you will reach your goal. Write your goal and deadline on a piece of paper and put it somewhere you can see it multiple times a day.
A good place would be on your nightstand. Look at it on waking up and before going to bed. This will act as a constant reminder of your goal.  


设定一个你希望在这一天前完成你的目标的日子。把你的目标和这个日子一起写在一张纸上, 并且把它放在一个你能一天看见好几次的地方, 比如说, 你的床头。这样醒来之后和睡觉前都可以看见。它将持续地来提醒你。
3. Make a Plan.

Once you have set your goal, you must back it up with a plan.
Which exercises will you perform?
How many sets and reps will you do?
How many times a week will you go the gym?
Your time is precious. Any minute in the gym must bring you closer towards the achievement of your goal.  


时间很宝贵。因此, 在健身房度过的每一分钟都必须能切实帮助你更接近你的目标。  

4. Exercise First Thing in the Morning. When you’ve just had a tough day at work, it can be hard to train for another hour at the gym. A solution is to exercise first thing in the morning:

Wake up early.
Eat breakfast.
Prepare the stuff you need for work.
Go to the gym.
One hour later, you’re another step closer towards the achievement of your goal. And you have your whole day to do whatever you need to do.  

4、早上锻炼。劳累了一天之后,在去锻炼一小时就会比较困难。所以, 一个解决方案就是在早上锻炼。

这样,一小时之后, 你又向着你的目标迈进了一步。 之后的一天, 做你应该做的工作。

5. Stick to your Plan.

This is something I experienced on numerous occasions. The days you don’t feel like exercising, are often your best days. Maybe it’s the mind-body connection: the body says no, but the mind says go. Thus the body eventually says go too. I don’t know.Whatever it is, when it’s the day to train, it’s the day to train. Make no excuses, go the gym. If you don’t feel 100% healthy, still go the gym, but train at a lower intensity. The fact that you’ve been there, is more important than the quality of your training. And as I wrote above, sometimes it can turn out into one of your most productive workouts. The more you exercise, the more you build the habit. Stick to your plan.  


不管发生什么,我总是坚持我的计划。那些你不太想去锻炼的日子,可能就是最适合锻炼的日子。可能你的身体告诉你"不去",但是你的大脑告诉你"去", 最终,身体也会说"去"。无论怎样, 该锻炼的日子,你就该去锻炼。不要找借口, 去锻炼吧。可能你感觉你并不是百分之百的健康,但是最好还是去锻炼, 你可以适当调节你锻炼的强度。在就比不在好,无论效果如何。你锻炼地越多,你锻炼的习惯就越深。所以,坚持你的锻炼计划。  

6. Train With Someone Who Has The Exercise Habit.

If you’re training partner quits, you’ll probably end up quitting too. But if your training partner hangs on, you’ll take it as a challenge. Next time you go the gym, look around you. Look at the people who exercise. Find someone who is serious with his training. Take the initiative: ask him if you can train with him. If you choose the right person, he’ll accept your request. Most people know that getting into exercising is not easy, they know because they’ve been there. A good training partner will motivate you & help you achieve your goal. If not, keep on looking.  


如果你的伙伴退出了,你也可能也会退出。但是如果他坚持,你很可能就会坚持下去。在你再去健身的时候,找找看身边有没有人能认真地对待锻炼。邀请他一起来锻炼。如果你找对人了,他应该会接受你的邀请。 大多数人知道能坚持锻炼不容易, 因为他们曾经尝试过。

7. Be confident.

You can achieve whatever you want, if you believe that you can do it. Having a clear goal and a plan will already arm you with self-confidence. Know that it will take 30 days to build the exercise habit. During the first 30 days you’ll need to push yourself to the gym. After 30 days it will become easier: the habits starts to take over, pushing you the gym.  7、自信。

Write this next to your goal and deadline: “If they can do it, I can do it”  把这句话写在你的目标和最后期限后面:“人可为之, 吾亦可为。”

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